
Did You Feel That? Paul Ryan and the RINOs Just Stabbed You in the Back

Pro-life issues, 2nd Amendment protection, enforcing our immigration laws, stopping Obama from purging the military, defunding Obama's radical international agreements with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United Nations, dismantling Obamacare, the list goes on and on...

These are all issues that Conservative members of Congress promised to take on. And now, behind the scenes, they are moving to secretly fund every single one of Obama's policies and objectives. They are screwing you.

Obama is a lameduck President. His days are literally numbered. Instead of stopping him from forcing his agenda down our throats, like Congress promised, they are greenlighting every single one of his policies and executive orders.

Reach your arm and pull the knife out of your back because Paul Ryan and the Republicans just stabbed you.

You can either take it or fight back.

Please, join the movement and fight back!


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