
Now or Never: Congress Must Force Obama to Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Go After Hillary!

Attorney General Loretta Lynch declared yesterday that the best way to respond to terrorism is "with love."

No, the best way to deal with criminals of any kind is to put them behind bars.

This is the same person who will decide whether Hillary Clinton is prosecuted or not. Considering she wants to kill terrorists with kindness, Hillary's prosecution is doubtful.

The truth of the matter is that by endorsing Hillary Clinton for President, Barack Obama created a legal and ethcal conflict of interest. The FBI and DOJ cannot be expected to do their jobs impartially if their boss endorsed the subject of the investigation.

If Congress is going to intervene, it has to be now!

Quick! Send your FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress use every tool at its disposal, including the power of the purse, to force the appointment of a Special Prosecutor!

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