
You Won’t Believe Why the Obama Admin Won’t Call Dallas a Hate Crime

Over the past few days, radicals all across the country have launched attacks against police officers, singling them out because of their skin color.

If the roles were reversed and the news was plastered with stories of White men deliberately targeting Black police officers, we'd have half a dozen hate crime investigations already underway.

But that's not the reality. Instead of launchng a hate crime investigation, Loretta Lynch promised to protect the rights of the Black Lives Matter protesters who have instigated these crimes.

Why won't she launch these investigations? She has said that White police officers are not afforder protection under the hate crime statutes.

The Obama administration is standing by while police officers are being executed. You need to do something!

FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress amend the hate crime statutes to FORCE the Department of Justice to treat attacks against police officers as hate crimes!

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