
Despicable: Obama Promises to Veto 9/11 Victims Bill

15 years ago, Radical Islamic Terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airliners. Two were flown into the World Trade Center, one was flown into the Pentagon, and another was forced into a field in Shanksville, PA after passengers rushed the cockpit.

On Friday, Congress did something remarkable. They passed legislation to allow the 9/11 victims and their families to sue anyone responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

Obama has promised to veto this legislation. Why? Because it would allow the victims to sue Saudi Arabia for its role in the attacks.

On this 15-year anniversary, it is important that we remember all those we lost and all those who walked away from that attack less-than-whole.

But I am asking you to do more than remember. I am asking you to DEMAND that Congress override Barack Obama’s veto and give the 9/11 victims the justice they have waited for!

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