News just broke that Paul Ryan has struck a deal with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to give them everything they want, while blocking President Trump's agenda from moving forward.
Paul Ryan's sabotage would keep Obama's amnesty funded, keep Obamacare funded, fully fund Planned Parenthood abortion business, and allow the United Nations to continue to use YOUR taxdollars to undermine American sovereignty. And for the third time since the election, Paul Ryan wants pass a bill prohibiting Trump from building the wall.
This is unacceptable. No, it is beyond unacceptable.
Paul Ryan crafted this deal in secret because he knew there would be hell to pay if you found out. Well, now you know and it is time to take action!
Don't let Ryan fund Nancy Pelosi's wish list! Send your instantaneous FaxBlast (below) and FORCE Congress to kill this backstabbing budget bill or else be removed from office!