Not only did the military judge let Bowe Bergdahl off without any jail time, but he left the door open for Bergdahl to receive a Prisoner of War medal and more than $300,000 of backpay from when he was in "captivity."
While widows cry themselves to sleep at night over their loved ones lost searching for Bergdahl and others like Mark Allen struggle every day to learn to live with the wounds they received, Traitor Bergdahl is going to be named a hero and become rich.
We refuse to allow that to happen.
Our goal today is to bury Congress in 300k Faxes. One for every dollar that Bergdahl's lawyers believe he is owed. We are demanding that Congress reverse this sentence and ensure that Bergdahl receives nothing for his actions.
If you can, please participate and make sure this traitor isn't honored like this.
Use the FaxBlast system below to FORCE Congress to block Bowe Bergdahl from receiving the Prisoner of War medal and any backpay!