
Caught: Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan Are Still Pushing for Full Amnesty

President Trump has made his demands clear: no citizenship for illegals and complete approval of his immigration enforcement demands. Bob Goodlatte has introduced the Securing America's Future Act, which takes citizenship off the table and approves every one of Trump's demands, including a full border wall, Kate's Law, defunding sanctuary cities, and more.

Yet, both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are refusing to put this bill to a vote. They are hoping for a more liberal amnesty plan that includes fewer immigration and border enforcement provisions.

They both were fighting for amnesty when Obama put a bill forward in 2013. We now know they've never stopped advocating for Obama's amnesty.

It is time for them to go. It is time for them to be removed from power.

Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they remove Ryan, McConnell, and the rest of the cowards from leadership, or else be removed themselves!

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