
President Trump Demands Congress Move Forward With Term Limits!

Look around Congress and most of the people running the show have been in office for more than three decades: Chuck Schumer (36 years), Nancy Pelosi (31 years), and Mitch McConnell (33 years). They have made a fortune "serving" the American people.

Nancy Pelosi has run for re-election 15 times. She's not serving her constituents. She's serving herself...

President Trump just signed on to a plan to pull the plug on these career politicians' salaries. The Thomas Jefferson Public Service Act would cut Congressional pay to $1 after a Congressman or Senator serves 12 years.

The bill is now gaining steam again, but President Trump needs your help to finally drain the swamp in DC!

Please, send your urgent FaxBlast below and DEMAND that Congress vote and pass Francis Rooney's term limit bill now!

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