The full House Appropriations Committee is set to vote on their massive $5 billion border wall spending package on Wednesday.
The Senate GOP has already declared the bill will be dead on arrival and now Paul Ryan and his allies are trying to stop the committee from even approving the funding bill.
On his way out the door to retirement, Ryan doesn't want to be embarrassed. He doesn't want to get the border wall built.
We have never been closer to getting the border fully secured. But thanks to these spineless GOP cowards, we are now teetering towards complete defeat.
The battle has now reached your doorstep. Stand and fight now or the GOP will surrender on the border wall!
Our goal today is to bury Congress in more than a half million FaxBlasts today demanding they approve this border wall funding or else be removed from office. But we need your help. The President needs your help!
Please, join the fight and send your instantly delivered FaxBlast to Congress DEMANDING they fully pass this border wall funding and send it to Pres. Trump's desk for signature!