
Breaking: GOP Leadership Refusing to Let Border Wall Funding Reach Trump's Desk!

Congress is dedicating this week to passing a bunch of Homeland Security-related bills. That includes the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, the bill that will decide whether the border wall gets built.

The only reason it hasn't been voted on yet is because the GOP has been debating one major component: border wall funding. 

Even though the funding has already been secured, Establishment Republicans are refusing to authorize the border wall project. Instead, they are demanding that Congress give away this money to Central American countries as an aid package. It's shameful.

The future of our southern border will be decided this week. Will you allow these Spineless Republicans to strip the funding out of the bill?

Or will you join the fight and help President Trump win this once and for all?

Please, send your instant and urgent FaxBlast before it's too late and THREATEN to remove any Congressman or Senator from office who votes against the full $5 billion of border wall funding!

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