An innocent gun owner was killed by police this week in his Maryland home. Police were there to confiscate his guns, not because he had committed a crime, but because one of his family members didn't want him to own them anymore.
When he refused to hand them over, a struggle ensued and he was shot dead in his own doorway.
Not a single elected Democrat expressed outrage over this. Not a single elected Democrat said that this was unacceptable.
For years, gun owners have cried out "come and take them" whenever Democrats threatened gun control. Now, the Left is calling our bluff.
Right now, defeated Republicans in Congress are forcing a vote on a bill to take this gun confiscation plan nationwide! You CANNOT let them get away with this!
Please, send your instantly delivered FaxBlast to Congress right now before it's too late and FORCE them to kill HR.5717 and any other gun confiscation bill like it!