
Breaking: Traitor Paul Ryan Caught Running Out Clock On Border Wall Funding

Paul Ryan is doing it again. He just phoned the President and informed him that Congress "needs more time" to get the funding approved. Because of the funeral and wake services for former-President George H.W. Bush taking place this week, Ryan claims that Congress won't be able to fund the wall in time for the deadline.

That would put the new border wall deadline at December 21, just 12 days before Nancy Pelosi takes over.

Paul Ryan isn't stupid. He knows that if he can block the wall one last time, then there won't be any time to fix it before the Democrats take over.

The stakes just got even higher.

Please, do not let Ryan and the GOP keep the border wide open! Send your instantly delivered hard-copy letter to Congress right now and FORCE them to fully fund the wall... or else!

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