
Defiant Republicans Caught Blocking Trump's UN and Foreign Aid Cuts

President Trump actually did it. He has cut all foreign aid to Central America and the United Nations' migration agency. It makes absolutely no sense to give American taxdollars to the people responsible for these invading illegal alien caravans.

Nancy Pelosi and her Republican allies are furious. They ordered the Trump administration to increase foreign aid funding this year and now the President is cutting it all.

Democrats and Republicans are teaming up to pass a bill that would make these foreign aid disbursements mandatory and eliminate Trump's power to cancel them!

Instead of funding border security and giving Border Patrol what they need to keep us safe, Pelosi wants to give away more of your tax dollars to the countries that are helping these illegal alien caravans. And she has GOP help!

Quick, send your instant and urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to protect Trump's foreign aid cuts and kill Pelosi's plan to make the foreign aid payments mandatory!


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