It is working! Republicans and Democrats are pushing back against the GOP and Democrat leadership's plan to give Congress a pay raise.
YOUR pressure has forced Pelosi to delay the vote on the legislation to next week. Instead of happening yesterday, the vote has been moved to next week... The establishment is hoping that this will be enough time for the story to blow over so they can give themselves a pay raise anyway.
But we have a way to stop this. Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Anthony Brindisi (D-NY) have introduced the No Raise for Congress Act. This bill would repeal the provision in the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 and put an end to automatic pay raises for Congress.
If Congress wants, they should have to prove to the American people that they've earned it!
As I said, Pelosi and McConnell are stalling, hoping that the public will move onto focusing on another issue so they can push the raise through without you knowing. Now is our one shot to get this bill passed!
Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress (below) and FORCE them to pass the No Raise for Congress Act and put an end to automatic Congressional pay raises once and for all!