Will you donate just $3 to help keep our government in check?
In El Paso, we saw a civilian with a concealed carry permit save 13 children. In Sutherland Springs, Texas, we saw an armed civilian save countless lives by engaging and killing the mass shooter.
Armed law-abiding citizens keep this country safe every day. But right now, it is impossible for any civilian to legally carry a firearm in all 50 states. Nine liberal states refuse to honor any out-of-state carry permits at all. 26% of Americans live in states that don't even issue their own residents carry permits...
The GOP is racing forward on the Left's gun control package. They believe they need to "do something" in response to these mass shootings.
This is our chance to finally restore the right to carry nationwide, but it is up to you to fight for it before it's too late!
Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and FORCE them to pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and restore the right to carry in all 50 states!