Will you donate just $3 to help keep our government in check?
The United Nations is in total crisis. Their budget crisis is so severe that the UN actually had to close their New York Headquarters over the weekend. Officials are already warning they will have to add more closures unless the United States pays the $1 billion that we "owe" them.
President Trump told the UN to pound sand when they tried to collect that "debt." He threw the bill in the trash and promised never to pay it.
But this week, Democrats are planning to force a vote on a bill -- H.R. 2839 -- that would pay the UN's bill in-full and save them from bankruptcy. And the idiot Republicans are going along with it!
We finally have the United Nations on the ropes. They are so close to bankruptcy that they are actually closing their HQ two days a week just to stay afloat.
You must STOP the Establishment from sending the UN an additional billion dollars to save them!
Quick, send your instant FaxBlast right now and FORCE Congress to kill the UN funding increases in H.R. 2839... or else!