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Sen. Rob Portman just became the 4th Republican to flip and join the Democrats on the impeachment trial. Schumer and the Dems will now have the votes to control the rules process for the trial.
That means they will have the power to force anti-Trump witnesses and potentially even hold the impeachment trial vote by secret ballot!
Let me say this again: This is a Republican proposal. And it would only take THREE Republicans to side with the Democrats to make it happen!
This is a coup. These cowards believe they know better than the 63 million Americans who elected Donald Trump and they want to undo the 2016 election.
You must -- and I emphasize this, MUST -- fight back right now!
Please, join our campaign to deliver a million FaxBlasts to Congress today threatening to remove any Congressman or Senator, Republican or Democrat, who dares take part in this Deep State coup!