
Disgusting Pelosi Must Be Removed For Playing Politics With Coronavirus Response!

One week ago, President Trump sent his request to Congress for $2.5 billion to combat the Coronavirus. But instead of approving the funding to keep the American people safe, Democrats are now playing politics with America's national security.

They are criticizing Trump for 'not doing enough' while simultaneously refusing to approve the funding that the Executive Branch needs to carry out its Coronavirus plan.

I never thought I would see a day when Democrats would actually politicize a pandemic and try to make it harder to protect the American people, all to score political points.

And Nancy Pelosi is at the center of all of it...

Over the past three months, Nancy Pelosi has given us a half dozen reasons that she is unfit to serve as Speaker of the House. But this latest stunt takes the cake...

Quick, join our important FaxBlast campaign today and help FORCE Congress to remove Nancy Pelosi for her disgraceful conduct!

I never thought I would see a day when Democrats would actually politicize a pandemic and try to make it harder to protect the American people, all to score political points.

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