Last week, after the 9th Circuit Court briefly overturned Pres. Trump's Remain in Mexico policy, there was a rush at the border. Hundreds of migrants tried to rush the El Paso checkpoint and the Trump administration had no choice but to close down the entire border bridge.
This had the United Nations' fingerprints all over it...
The UN is stepping up their efforts to force countries to bow down to their immigration demands and open their borders. Last week, UN officials moved to block Greece from closing its borders to Middle Eastern refugees. Now, the United Nations is trying to do the same here with Central American "asylum" seekers.
Why are we sending the UN money? Every time we fund them, they use our tax dollars to try to undermine our national security and chip away at our sovereignty. Enough is enough!
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) has the solution. His American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 204) would cut off all funding to the United Nations, revoke their diplomatic immunity, and block UN officials from ever being able to command US soldiers again.
Now it is up to us to force the vote on it!
Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to pass H.R. 204 and pull the plug on the UN's funding for good!