Pelosi is signaling to her party that she expects the GOP to cave to her demands. Pelosi expects the Republicans to cave and agree to give stimulus funding to illegal aliens.
Democrats held small businesses and American workers hostage for the past two weeks so they could negotiate a bailout for illegals...
They want to do this in one of two ways. The Left wants to pass the Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act to make illegal aliens eligible for Federal stimulus checks. But they also have a Plan B, which is to give $250 billion in unrestricted funding to cities and states, which would allow cities like Los Angeles and New York to expand the illegal alien assistance programs they already have in place.
Pelosi is signaling that the GOP has now agreed to at least one of these demands...
Time is running out. Both parties are saying they plan to vote on a "compromise" stimulus plan tomorrow. Unless you take swift action right now, that will include bailout funding for illegal aliens!
This is a Red Alert! Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress before it's too late and KILL this Democrat plan to give stimulus funding to illegal aliens!