
Breaking: Schiff Teaming Up With Anti-Kavanaugh Lawyer to Investigate/Impeach Trump Again!

Adam Schiff is launching a new investigation into Trump. Rick Bright is a government employee who claims he was fired in retaliation because he disagreed with how President Trump is handling the Chinese Coronavirus.

Bright is now suing the government and he has obtained the same law firm that Christine Blasey Ford used to smear Brett Kavanaugh.

Adam Schiff wasted no time, accusing the President of literally killing Americans and promising to launch a full investigation to get to the bottom of it. Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russia and Ukraine and failed both times. Now, they want a third stab at it...

Here is the thing. Adam Schiff does not have these new powers yet. He is pushing for a vote to authorize a new investigatory committee, but that vote still hasn't happened yet.

There is still time to block this new impeachment investigation, but only if you rise up and take action right now!

Don't let them drag the country through this again! Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to BLOCK Adam Schiff's new investigation/impeachment authorization from passing!

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