The country is starting to re-open. Starting this week and next, American workers will be "allowed" to go back to work. Even liberal states like New York and California are starting to admit they can't survive much longer with a closed economy.
But these Leftist cities and states are refusing to budge on their gun control orders. Gun stores in states like New York, California, and Massachusetts will stay closed. California politicians even want to close gun stores indefinitely. In Pennsylvania, residents will continue to be barred from openly carrying firearms and in cities like Denver, if you open carry a gun to one of the protests, you will now be arrested on the spot.
And perhaps the worst of all, in Virginia, the governor there used the coronavirus lockdown as an excuse to not only close gun stores, but also to sign radical new gun control laws.
Luckily, our predecessors knew a day like this would come and they gave us the means to fight back against this tyranny.
But it is up to you, right now, to rise up and DEMAND that your rights be protected!
Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and force them to intervene and STOP these radical mayors and governors from violating Americans' 2nd Amendment rights!