The Deep State thought they were going to get away with it. They thought they were going to be able to hide the proof of how the Obama administration tried to take down the President before he was even sworn in.
But they failed. We now have the smoking gun that we have been searching for. A single, handwritten note detailing a conversation that Peter Strzok had with James Comey where the former FBI Director admitted that it was Joe Biden who told the FBI to use the Logan Act to investigate Flynn and Barack Obama who gave them the green light to try it.
All this time, we have been trying to figure out who was responsible for this criminality and illegal investigation. Now we know it was Biden and Obama themselves!
Everyone else in the room has already testified under oath. Now that we have this smoking gun evidence, Congress MUST subpoena Obama and Biden to testify.
But the Democrats are already circling the wagons to protect their Presidential candidate and the GOP is made up of cowards. They want to sweep this under the rug.
You CANNOT let this happen! Before it is too late, you MUST send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND they subpoena Joe Biden and Barack Obama and force them to answer for their crimes!