Leftists are demanding that the GOP rewrite the calendar to not only create a new "Juneteenth" federal holiday, but also to eliminate Columbus Day entirely.
This was a Republican proposal. GOPer Ron Johnson felt that creating Juneteenth was inevitable, so he offered a "compromise" plan to also eliminate Columbus Day, a holiday the Left has targeted for decades.
With your help, we bombarded Congress with hundreds of thousands of FaxBlasts demanding that they put a stop to this madness. It worked. Ron Johnson backpedaled and admitted he was wrong to offer to give the Far Left everything they want...
But, unfortunately, it is too late. Since the amendment was introduced, Democrats are now promising to add it to their bill. And the idiot Republicans are still supporting their Juneteenth bill anyway...
The Left wants to force a vote on this scheme this coming week. If you want to stop this, you have to get loud right now and fight back!
Don't let this radical bill get pushed through! Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to KILL the Johnson-Lankford bill to abolish Columbus Day to make room in the calendar for Juneteenth!