The GOP is deliberately sabotaging efforts in Congress to get to the bottom of Spygate/Obamagate and to hold the Obama administration officials involved criminally responsible.
While Democrats are taking the President to the Supreme Court so they can continue their witch hunts, the GOP is too afraid of the "optics" and are refusing to allow Senator Ron Johnson issue the subpoenas to the criminals involved...
The Republicans are literally trying to run out the clock and help the Obama administration, and their deep state allies, get away with it.
We need your help to bombard Congress with a half million FaxBlasts today DEMANDING that they subpoena Biden, Obama, and every other criminal involved in this conspiracy to take down Trump.
Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to subpoena Barack H. Obama, Joe Biden, and every other criminal involved and force them to answer for their involvement in this illegal and unconstitutional witch hunt!