Democrats will pass their Post Office bailout bill in the House of Representatives today. The White House has threatened to veto it and Mitch McConnell has said it is "dead on arrival."
But we are learning that White House and GOP negotiators are agreeing to include the $25 billion for the Post Office and $3.5 billion for universal mail-in voting in their "compromise" coronavirus relief package.
The vote today is just for show. It gives Democrats a chance to scream and shout and provides the GOPers with an opportunity to pretend they are standing firm. But behind the scenes, the surrender has already been negotiated.
If the Republicans cave on this, we will lose our Republic. Every state that has tried mail-in voting this year has reported fraud and abuse. If the Democrats get their way and this is rolled out nationwide, we are finished...
That is why it is so important for you to stand up and fight RIGHT NOW!
Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and order them to BLOCK all "emergency" post office funding and kill the Democrats' cheat by mail scheme!