Congress faces a deadling to pass a Pentagon spending bill by the end of the month, otherwise the Department of Defense will shut down and military families won't get their paychecks.
Democrats have added an amendment to the House version that would defund American police departments by cutting off their access to free military surplus equipment. The Senate GOP responded by offering the meet the Defund the Police movement halfway and voted to cut off police departments' access to certain military vehicles.
The Left can smell the GOP's cowardice. They are now demanding a full end to the Pentagon's 1033 program, otherwise they will shut the Pentagon down. And four Republicans -- Paul (KY), Murkowski (AK), Daines (MT), and Gardner (CO) have already flipped and joined the 'Defund the Police' Democrats.
You CANNOT let them get away with this!
Please, I am begging you: join today's campaign by sending your FaxBlast to Congress right now and telling them that you Back the Blue and will remove any Congressman or Senator who doesn't!
Please, I am begging you: join today's campaign and help us Back the Blue by shutting down this insane attempt to defund American police departments!
LINK2: Stop them before it's too late! Send your instant message to Congress right now and tell every Congressman and Senator that you will REMOVE anyone who votes for this Defund the Police amendment!