
Government Traitors Protected Biden Laptop Story


All government officials that signed the letter that dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop as a “Russian Op” must be held to account for their actions. Their decision to dismiss the veracity of the laptop is equal to treason.

The document they signed was their last-ditch effort to protect the Biden Family from the abhorrent criminal activities detailed on the “Laptop from Hell”. The contents of the laptop show the intimate details of the crime syndicate that has run Washington for decades. Photos, emails, and text messages show the extent to which the Biden Clan and their cronies sold out the American people, and their countless dealings with foreign adversaries.

Leon Panetta, John Brennan, Jim Clapper and many other CIA, NSA, and DIA officials claimed that the laptop “looked like Russian tactics” designed to influence the outcome of the 2020 Election. 

The only problem is that the laptop is genuine. It is now clear that our entire justice and intelligence apparatus has been co-opted by subversives.

Any official that signed the document must be brought up on treason charges immediately for the blatant disregard for American national security that they demonstrated! Demand a Congressional Hearing NOW!




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