
Rand Paul's Patriot Act Filibuster Made Things Worse

Yesterday, Rand Paul delivered an epic filibuster against the NSA and the agancy's warrantless collection of Americans' digital records. But believe it or not, he might have made things worse.

Paul's 10+ hour filibuster took an entire day out of the Congressional calendar. That leaves the RINOs even less time to force their agenda down our throats before the Memorial Day recess. Mitch McConnell is moving full steam ahead with his plan to hold a vote on a clean Patriot Act renewal. 

Even though the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the data collection program is illegal, the Republicans and Democrats want to renew it anyway.

This CANNOT be allowed to happen! In a few days, these heinous provisions will expire. You need to DEMAND that Congress let these unconstitutional programs expire!

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