
Obama Announces Gun Control Summit to Force Smart Guns on Americans!

Since the early 2000s, Liberals have been trying to make so-called "smart gun" technology mandatory nationwide. They want to take life saving devices and add complicated and failure-prone software to the equation.

If your life depends on your firearm to go BOOM, Obama's policy will make failure more likely. It's bad enough that guns sometime jam on their own. Anyone who has dealt with a computer crash knows that software will fail when you least expect it and most need it.

Americans shouldn’t have to worry about dying batteries, sweaty palms, software failure, or electronic sabotage when their lives are on the line!

A month ago, Obama announced an executive order to force smart guns onto the American people. Now, he is announcing a gun control summit to make it happen!

Don't let this happen! FaxBlast Congress and DEMAND they stop Obama's dangerous smart gun executive order!

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