
Senator Calls James Comey a 'Rat,' Demands New Investigation into Clinton Coverup

For once, Senator Lindsey Graham has done something we can all agree with: He called James Comey a rat and demanded he reappear before Congress to explain why he lied under oath.

During his testimony, Comey was asked when he decided Hillary Clinton was innocent. He responded, "after" she was interviewed. Evidence now shows that James Comey was drafting his exoneration statement months before she and 16 other witnesses were ever interviewed. He lied under oath.

The Deep State is terrified. They see their cover-up crumbling and are scrambling to protect the Clintons. That is why they just offered Hillary Clinton a plea deal so she could avoid jail time. The Left is scrambling. 

Don't let these criminals get away with this! Send your instantaneous FaxBlast to Congress (below) and FORCE them to re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's crimes and the Loretta Lynch-James Comey cover-ups!

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