Will you donate just $3 to help keep our government in check?
Republicans are lining up to pass Diane Feinstein's latest gun ban. This time, it is disguised as a broad ban on rifle accessories that help shooters quickly fire their rifles. But if implemented, it could bring about a brand new assault weapon ban.
There already 33 co-sponsors and more Republican lawmakers are lining up, admitting they support it.
This is the 2nd Amendment fight of our time. Years from now, the history books will write of this time... this very moment.
They will either write about how this Feinstein bill passed, delivering the first nail in the coffin for the 2nd Amendment, or they will write about how liberty-living patriots like you rose up and stopped Congress from surrendering your rights!
I choose the latter. How about you?
Send your urgent and instant FaxBlast to Congress and FORCE them to block Diane Feinstein's Automatic Gun Fire Prevention Act for good!