Conservatives on the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have just released bombshell announcements. They are pushing forward with their plan to fully investigat the Obama administration's crimes.
That includes going after James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton, and yes, even Barack Obama himself.
This is closer than we have ever been to being able to put these Obama criminals behind bars! But the GOP and Democrat establishments are working overtime to stop these investigations before they even begin.
Our FaxBlast system is the only way to get your message delivered instantly to every Congressional office on Capitol Hill. Our goal today is to bury Congress with at least 350,000 faxes demanding that these Obama-era criminals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If we reach that number, that means the fax machines in the Congressional offices will be printing for 24-hours straight.
But we need your help to finish this! Please, send your FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND they greenlight these new investigations and let them go after each and every Obama-era criminal!