
It's Happening: Conservatives Demand Impeachment after Rosenstein Defies Subpoena!

It is time to impeach Rod Rosenstein.

For the third time, he has openly defied a Congressional subpoena for documents detailing the DOJ and FBI's efforts against the Trump Campaign.

Instead of handing the documents over as the law requires, he is only going to let Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and a few other Establishment leaders see the evidence.

Conservatives in Congress are now saying this is the last straw. They have drafted the articles of impeachment against Rod Rosenstein and are now openly demanding a vote.

We are so close to finishing this and removing these Deep Staters from office. We CANNOT let the GOP sabotage this!

Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND they vote to hold Rod Rosenstein (and the rest of his accomplices) in Contempt of Congress and remove him from office!

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