
Disgusting: Republicans Threatening to Vote Against Trump's Supreme Court Nominee

The GOP establishment is already starting to surrender on the Supreme Court. Moderate Republicans are starting to cave. Susan Collins just gave the President her list of demands and promised to vote against a pro-life nominee.

The Republican establishment is now pressuring Trump to appoint a "moderate." That is nothing but code for a liberal.

You have been waiting your entire life for this moment. Whether the issue is abortion, gun rights, immigration, or free speech, we have an opportunity to create a reliably conservative Supreme Court for the first time in over 80 years.

And the GOP wants to surrender it all. All it takes is one Republican to flip. That is how close to defeat we are...

The Left is mobilizing everything they have to stop President Trump from nominating and confirming a conservative and the GOP is already starting to agree with them.

You MUST stop this! Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress below and FORCE them to bust through the left's obstruction and confirm a conservative onto the Supreme Court, or else face the consequences!

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