Paul Ryan leaves office in less than a month, but he is determined to use his last days in power to stab YOU in the back!
President Trump is demanding that Congress vote to approve $5 billion in border wall and border security funding. Ryan's office is working tirelessly to water down the border wall bill as much as possible. Spineless Republicans are trying to sneak in amendments that would make the border wall project impossible to complete, even though the President would have his funding.
One amendment prohibits the new border wall designs from being used. Others would outlaw border barriers in remote areas and prohibit the military from helping with the construction.
This is the GOP establishment's last stand. They know that if they can block the border wall one more time, Nancy Pelosi will get the power to block it indefinitely.
You CANNOT let the GOP sneak these amendments into the bill!
Please, send your instant and urgent message to Congress right now and FORCE them to approve a clean $5 billion border wall spending bill, or else!