Rand Paul just announced that he will cast the fourth and decisive vote against President Trump's border wall executive order. Democrats now have the votes to block the wall from being built.
President Trump, of course, will veto the resolution. Now, the fight is on to STOP Democrats and Republicans from getting the two-thirds necessary to override the veto and kill the border wall for good!
There are at least three dozen Republican Congressmen on the fence and 16 GOP Senators considering joining the Dems as well. If this happens, then the Left will have all the votes they need to kill the border wall...
But if they fall just one vote short, then we win!
Now is not the time to sit back and watch. Now is the time to fight back!
Please, you must send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now (below) and FORCE them to protect the border wall project and kill Nancy Pelosi's Resolution of Disapproval before it's too late!