Breaking: GOP Cowards Lining Up to Pass New Gun Ban!
After yesterday's mass shootings in Texas and Ohio, Democrats and Republicans are now moving forward with holding a vote on the Assault Weapon Ban of 2019, the biggest gun ban ever introduced in the United States Congress. The bill would ban millions of firearms all at once.
Ronald Reagan warned that our freedoms were never more than a generation away from extinction. He was absolutely right. After failing to permanently ban Assault Weapons back in 1994, the next generation of leftists are trying to finish the job!
This is happening. The only question left is whether you're going to fight back or let them chip away at the 2nd Amendment...
You need to fight back with everything you've got!
Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to KILL the Feinstein/Cicilline Assault Weapon Ban before it's too late!
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