
Breaking: 9th Circuit Upholds Radical Obama Judge's Open Border Ruling!

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just upheld a Radical Obama Judge's ruling. While the panel of judges scaled the decision back, they declared that President Trump cannot turn illegal aliens away if they show up at a border checkpoint in California or Arizona.

Under this new ruling, all illegal aliens need to do is get to California or Arizona and they will be released into the country...

There is a way to stop this judicial activism once and for all. Lindsey Graham's Secure and Protect Act would put a stop to the border invasion and close the asylum loopholes that illegal aliens are abusing to force their way into the country.

But the clock is ticking!

Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to pass the Secure and Protect Act of 2019, no matter what it takes!

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