Democrats are doubling-down. They are rushing forward with a vote on the Feinstein-Cicilline Assault Weapons Ban of 2019.
But the Left isn't satisfied with just banning tens of millions of guns. They want to confiscate them all right now.
Democrats are now forcing a vote on an amendment that would create a mandatory buy-back program for all semi-automatic weapons in the country. Any gun owner who refused to surrender their guns would face prison time.
The GOP should be holding the line. But instead, these Republican traitors are trying to negotiate. Instead of banning all semi-automatic weapons, these cowards want to help the Democrats ban some of them. And instead of mandatory confiscation, they want to make the buy-back program voluntary. This is what passes for a Conservatism in Congress today...
They wanted to force this through tomorrow, but the Hurricane threw a wrench in their plans. That means there is still time to stop this!
Please, you must fight back with everything you've got and FORCE Congress to kill the Feinstein-Cicilline Assault Weapons Ban once and for all!