
Breaking: Democrats Pushing Through Radical Gun Control Package This Week!

Congress is voting on the Left's gun control package this week!

The GOP is negotiating with Democrats on three bills: a total ban on 10+ round magazines, a bill to disarm Americans accused of hate speech crimes, and a red flag confiscation bill that would allow the Federal government to start disarming innocent people who have never even been charged with a crime.

These Republican traitors want to "compromise." They care more about preserving their own political power than they care about preserving your God given rights.

You MUST hold their feet to the fire and stop this surrender before it's too late!

Please, you MUST join the fight! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and order them to kill the Keep Americans Safe ActDisarm Hate Act, and Extreme Risk Protection Order Act before the Democrats and GOP traitors push them through!

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