This is it. Today, Congress will finally vote to on the articles of impeachment. They will either vote to extend the investigation/trial for months to hear from more witnesses, or they will toss the articles in the trash where they belong.
Your pressure is working. Just last night, Lamar Alexander (R-TN) -- long seen as a swing GOP vote -- announced that he will NOT vote with the Democrats on their impeachment resolution. As it stands right now, the resolution would end in a 50-50 tie.
But Democrats have a back up plan. In addition to pressuring Republicans, they are also pressuring and threatening Chief Justice John Roberts to intervene and cast the tie-breaker vote. They want him to hand control of the impeachment trial over to the radical left.
Considering the fact that Roberts has already interfered in the trial by blocking Rand Paul's question about the whistleblower, he has already proven that he is willing to break the rules to inject himself in the process.
We have a chance to win this, right here and right now. But the Left isn't giving up, so neither can you!
Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress before it's to late and help us BLOCK the GOP, Dems, and Chief Justice John Roberts from seizing control of the trial!