
Pelosi Stunned After Court Allows Trump to Defund Sanctuary Cities!

The liberal 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals just delivered Pres. Trump a massive victory. The court unanimously ruled that President Trump can legally cut off Federal funding to so-called sanctuary cities and states.

The Court ruled that Trump can defund these sanctuary cities because Congress has already given him the power to do so.

Pelosi and Schumer are furious. They are now scheming with so-called "Moderate" Republicans to revoke Pres. Trump's discretionary immigration powers. Not only would this return all funding to the sanctuary cities harboring illegal alien criminals, but it would also roll back practically everything else that the President has accomplished on immigration.

And the Left already has dozens of GOPers lining up to sign on...

President Trump is doing everything he can to not only fulfill his promises, but to make up for years of broken promises from the Republican Party. But now he needs your help to protect his immigration actions from being reversed!

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