
Breaking News: FISA Has Officially Expired, But Now Both Parties Want To Bring It Back!

The FISA provisions that the Deep State used to launch their Trump-Russia witch hunt have officially EXPIRED! When the clock struck midnight last night, the FBI lost the ability to spy on innocent Americans without a warrant.

But right now, Republicans and Democrats are frantically trying to renew these provisions. Both parties are desperate to restore the Deep State's powers as fast as possible.

You CANNOT let them!

This kind of an opportunity doesn't come around all that often. When politicians surrender your rights, rarely do you get a chance to win them back.

But this is one of those opportunities. The FISA provisions have EXPIRED.

Now it is up to you to keep it that way!

It is up to YOU to BLOCK Congress from passing the USA Freedom Authorization Act, before it's too late! Please, send your instant FaxBlast right now and tell Republicans and Democrats alike they will pay if they vote this travesty into law!


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