
Breaking: Pelosi Doubles Down, Promises to Bail Out Leftist Cities and States!

For decades, liberal cities and states have taxed and spent themselves to the brink of bankruptcy. The Chinese Coronavirus has proven to be the last straw. 

New York and California are now demanding a Federal bailout. They want American taxpayers to give them hundreds of billions of dollars in unrestricted funding. They want hardworking Americans to pay for their mistakes.

Make no mistake, if this funding passes, Leftist cities and states will use it to bailout illegal aliens (like California is doing) and defend the lawsuits against their unconstitutional orders (like New York is).

And the GOP has already begun "negotiating." They are offering to give these Leftist cities and states the funding in exchange for a bailout for American farmers. They have already given up...

It is up to YOU to fight back!

Don't let Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats get away with this! Please, you MUST send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to BLOCK the Far Left's unrestricted city/state funding demands!

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