Joe Biden just... confessed. He admitted on Good Morning America that he was in the room when Obama gave the FBI the green light to investigate Michael Flynn. An investigation we now know was ILLEGAL and unpredicated.
The President of the United States sanctioned an illegal investigation against an incoming administration official, and now Joe Biden just admitted he was in the room when the decision was made.
That makes Joe Biden one of two things: a material witness of a co-conspirator.
It is now clear: Joe Biden must be subpoenaed and forced to testify as to his involvement in what we now know is the worst political scandal in American history.
But the only way that happens is if YOU hold the GOP's feet to the fire and force them to issue the subpoena!
We have never been closer to taking Obama down!
Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to subpoena Joe Biden and force him to answer for the Obama administration's crimes!