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Nancy Pelosi is trying to take a wrecking ball to our history, using any excuse she can to remove paintings, statues, military base names, and even state flags linked, in any way, to the Confederacy.
But Pelosi only has so much power on her own. While she is allowed to remove paintings from her own lobby (which she did last week), it will take an act of Congress to make the rest of her dreams a reality.
And Pelosi is confident that she has enough GOP turncoats willing to vote with her to start tearing down statues within the Capitol Building itself.
Do not let these cowards sign away our history. Do not let them cave to the mob's demands.
If they give an inch, the Left will take a mile.
You must stop them!
Quick, send your urgent message to Congress and FORCE them to kill the Far Left's attempt to erase our history!