
Smoking Gun: Mueller Team Caught Deleting 27 Phones

This is the smoking gun. After being notified by the Inspector General that he was investigating their witch hunt, and would need to examine their government-issued phones, the Mueller team reported that they had accidentally erased the contents of their phones at least 27 times.

We are being led to believe that the so-called "best of the best" in the FBI and DOJ all suddenly forgot their passwords and triggered their phones to wipe all of their data as a security measure.

This is criminal. Each deletion is punishable by up to 20 years behind bars and each document or government record that got destroyed can be punishable by up to three years in prison. Add it all up and the combined maximum sentence for these crimes would easily exceed 1,000 years behind bars...

But the GOP doesn't want to touch it. For years, they have promised to subpoena these crooks, and then quietly stepped back in the hopes that you would forget about it.

Enough is enough. Our goal today is to bombard Congress with 1 MILLION FaxBlasts demanding that they subpoena these crooks and refer them for prosecution... or else! But we can't do it without your help!

Please, join our campaign today and help us send a million FaxBlasts DEMANDING that Congress subpoena these Mueller crooks, force them to answer for their crimes, and refer them for immediate prosecution!

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