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Democrats are literally trying to steal the election. On Tuesday of this week, it was reported that 7 million ballots had already been cast. Today, the reports indicate that 22 million votes have already been cast. Democrats are accomplishing this through the practice of "ballot harvesting."
There is only one way to put a stop to ballot harvesting nationwide and that is by forcing Congress to pass H.R.8285 into law!
Written by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), H.R.8285 would cut off federal election funding to any state that allows ballot harvesters to collect absentee or mail-in ballots.
But we are running out of time. The Leftist ballot harvesters are already putting their scheme to steal the election into action. If we want to stop the steal, you need to FORCE Congress to hold the vote now!
Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND an immediate vote on H.R.8285 before it's too late!