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Congress is meeting TODAY to certify Joe Biden's fraudulent win. Like always, the GOP is already giving up. Right now, we are hearing that no Senator plans to challenge Wisconsin because by the time the count gets to Wisconsin alphabetically, Joe Biden will already have 271 electoral votes.
The GOP is also planning to abandon the objection to Michigan and Nevada as well, in the interest of time.
Hundreds of thousands of patriots are gathering in DC, but they are being blocked from entering the Capitol Building. That is where our FaxBlast system comes in...
They can't stop us from overloading their fax system and commandeering their printers. But we need your help to do it!
Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and help us bombard these cowards with a MILLION FaxBlasts today demanding that they object to all six states and block Biden's fraudulent win* from being certified!